Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My New Years Resolution...

So it is around this time of the year that we all start discussing what we're going to give up or do more of in the coming New Year.  The usual suspects are to stop smoking, go on a diet or perhaps splurge less on clothes, make up or other such stuff.

I don't smoke, could do with losing a few pounds and for those of you who know me, know that fashion is really not my middle name. So I resolve to do what I've been resolving to do for the last four years or so and I still haven't gotten around to it yet.

It is a sore subject for me.  As someone who excelled in music and languages only to dump them for a different path in life because it would *bring me more financial stability* (then I dumped that too), I am nothing more than a simple woman who knows a bit of business administration, can cook like a fiend but all in all...I am a nobody.  I have many regrets mainly to do with how I should have prepared myself for adulthood but that is a different story.

I come from a part of the world where family and children are a mainstay of the culture and even though I had never really thought about it as a young girl, my life got to the point where I met my husband, fell in love, got married within a year and had a baby three years later.  Everything was fine bar a horrid period of sickness, SPD and a very long labour of thirty four hours.  When my Sofia came into the world, all I saw of her was a mop of black hair and her toes react to the Vitamin K injection hence my snogging of her feet now whenever she is out of the bath!!  We bonded immediately, I knew I was her mom, I knew I had to feed her, change her, hug and kiss her and all was well.

Then it came.  The fear of going out with Sofia on my own, the angry outbursts at my husband (P) and the utter terror at the thought of a long maternity leave (I had wanted to stay off for a year) with a tiny baby.

I had NO idea what to do with her.  In my mind, a mother didn't *play* with her child.  A mother cooked and cleaned and the child did what it did.  This isn't how I really thought but something was messing with my mind and I slowly became more and more scared, quiet and angry.  I would spend endless days in bed with Sofia playing around me only to get up to feed and change her and kiss and cuddle her.  I loved her, there was no doubt.  My anger was directed at the world.

I was determined to be an independent woman and so went back to work when she was seven months old.  I couldn't explain my outbursts of anger.  The tears, the not wanting to go home and just wanting to work and work.  Sofia was in a nursery close to my work but I did everything I could to get P to take her and pick her up. 

To cut a long story short and to save it for another time, it transpired I had post natal depression but had no idea about what it even was let along how to deal with it.  Endless doctors visits and deep dark moments eased off and I stopped working to stay at home after a further eleven months and even after a second child, I do have my moments but the ones I do have are very deep and very dark. 

I don't begrudge my children their happiness.  I love them more than words could ever explain.  Every single atom of my body burns with nuclear powered love for them.  But I am not a good mom. I lack patience and don't know how to play with them.  I am not good at arts and crafts and when I get wrestled to the ground I have a five minute limit then I get up to go do something else.  My babies aren't in fits of giggles with me like they are with P and this hurts.  Don't get me wrong, I am proud and happy that he is a good father however much he lacks discipline but I wish I could make them giggle like that but I'm the one who shouts too much, the one who gets angry quickly and administers threats of "you'll go upstairs without dinner" etc.

I want to be the Stepford mom!! To bake and do crafts, take them out for a babyccino sometimes. I want not to be harrassed when I go out with them and emulate the ease of how I see other moms are with theirs.  I want to be a glamorous mom and always have a smile on my face and more importantly, I don't want to take drugs to be able to do this. I want to stop feeling like a failure all the time and I want to stop crying myself to sleep.

So my New Years resolution is this.  In 2011  I will plan things.  I will meticulously plan things to make sure I don't miss the important things out.  I will get up everyday with a smile on my face and get Sofia ready for school with ease.  I will take Mikey out and show him the world and tell him stories.  When Sofia comes home, after the usual reading practice, I will play with her.  We will do crafts together and put the music on and dance together.  I will hear my babies laugh and giggle and I will feel like I am the richest woman in existence.  I will plan weekends no matter how little money we have and make sure we enjoy ourselves.

In 2011 I resolve to be a better mom.


Nicki Cawood said...

What a fantastic first post, and a moving one! It sounds like you've had a hell of a journey so far and I look forward to reading about your travels yet to come!
As for being a "better" Mum, I don't think you're doing a bad job as it is x

Anonymous said...

A heartwarming post. You are not a bad mother. You love your children, you are there for them and feel just like I do, overwhelmingly protective of them. I have little patience too, I get bored easily, I have a short attention span. I can't handle playing for more than 10-15 minutes without getting bored. But I look at it like this: The Boy knows how to play by himself, an important skill. You are teaching your children to be independent, that's good.

Don't be so hard on yourself, you're a good mum!

Unknown said...

Ohh sweetie! We ALL feel like that! There really is no such thing as a Stepford mum, honestly. You are a fabulous mum becuase you clearly adore your kids.

If you try to set yourself such impossibly high standards, I have to say I woud be very worried for you and your well-being. Being a mother is extremely hard work - we are allowed "off days". These are normal.

Relax and enjoy doing whatever you can with your children. They don't demand much really - just you being there, loving them. Please don't believe that the "Perfect Mother" exists - she doesn't - it's all faked!

(Carole @

MommaLeila said...

Thankyou ladies, it actually cleared my head a little to write about it and I know I'm definitely not the first mother to feel this way or the last. You are all lovely xxxx do I learn how to fake it then ;o))

Metal Mummy said...

Just popped over via a Tweet RT - really like your blog so far.

I know how you feel when it comes to thinking some people are better mums than others. When I take my daughter out, I feel like a complete wally who's like a rabbit in the headlights. But, she's mine, and she loves me and I love her. That's all that matters.

And personally, I think the mum's who walk around with a smile on their face and looking pristine and happy all the time have something wrong with them... Nobody's perfect x

MommaLeila said...

Hi Hanzor
Thanks for your comments, I try not to look at anyone else as I feel my inadequacies come out in their thousands lol!

hugs xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Leila :)
You know I agree with what everyone is saying in the comments so far... the "perfect" mother doesn't really exist. From the experience I've had so far you just have to live day-to-day... some days are awesome, some of them you feel like eating a carton of ice cream, getting under the duvet and just ignoring everyone... even your little one to some extent!
But what shows you are a great mum is that despite feeling crap some days, you still do everything that essentially needs to be done, even if you don't smile the whole while.

I'm constantly thrown by the other mums who manage to sway out of the house with their cheery little bundle, and just "pop out" for a coffee! YEAH RIGHT! The organisation necessary to make even the most simple trip to the shops is unbelievable! :)

I have a friend with 3 children 6 and under, her husband left her this time last year when their youngest was only 4 months old. She always says to me "I'm such a bad mum. I shout at them, I don't clean enough. I've not taken them out enough this week." But you know what, she's a brilliant mum and one of the most inspirational people I've ever met. We are all allowed our "down time" no matter what our circumstances are.

Every woman struggles to adjust and keep on top of motherhood, and you know what, your children will only have amazing things to say about the way they were brought up when they're older.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness what a first post!
I have added your blog to my home page and am hooked already.
This honestly made me cry, because, just the other day, god I'm crying again, I got so irritable because of my son. I felt like a monster. I felt like shouting and cutting myself (very personal) because that surely meant I was a big fat failure. It was something I couldn't even admit. I went to write a tweet about ten times to get it off my chest but I was so ashamed I just couldn't. not long after I gave Woo a hug and swore I would do whatever I could to never feel like that again. He is all about daddy and I'm SHIT at thinking up games. I sit there loving him thinking what can I do with him? Then Irish one gets home and immediately creates the perfect game. (after ive had a go at him) I always feel such a failure.
So miss liela! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for this post and your honesty. You are an amazing woman and clearly your daughter (love her name- if I had a girl she was gonna be Sofia!) and your son (again love his name!) clearly adore you, so you must be doing a he'll of a lot more than you give yourself credit for.
Here's to a great blog with a beautiful start.
Now hurry up with the next post.
And thank you.
No REALLY thank you.
And I also beat myself up about bieng a nobody.
Are you sure we aren't related?
Thank you. (in case you missed it the first 4 times)

Little M said...

Aw Leila, your are a better mom than you think! I don't bake, or craft or do many activities. I work and pass Little M off to my hubsand on my "dark" days, but we do what we can. Just the fact that you are aware of it makes you a better person. I am guilty of outbursts and very little patience, but I work on it on a daily basis. Can you sing? I sing alot and that makes him laugh..
Happy New Year! Maria xx

Shh-Shh said...

Oh hun, you are so not alone!
Everything that u have said I have been thru ! With or without prescription drugs! In fact after my 1st I suffered PND for nearly 5yrs undiagnosed!! My eldest had a twin brother who was still born! My depression took the form of me being totally wrapped up in my baby, so I could ignore the devastating sadness emptyness and in truth unhappiness and lonelyness I had no family support and then husband would say "just sick him on your tit and shut him up!"
I like you have always been the practical mum.. Being far to exhusted to "play" I suppose choosing the childminding path helped me in this respect, but I have never been the one to make my children giggle! Always the one to keep order organise and discipline!
My eldest now 14 and I are always at loggerheads and I feel crap cause it brings out the worse in me.. Sometimes think that when my 2 boys look back all they will remember is a screaming banshee !!
Was told once that as good mums it's part of the job description to feel guilty, apparently those that are bad mothers dont feel guilty!!! ( haha well all I can say is we must be Bloody good mums then!!! )
There are mums looking at you who will be aspiring to be like you... I for one!!
So please dont beat yourself up ... U are beautiful, Loving, intelligent, talented and a fab mum!!

MommaLeila said...

Hi Kitty
Thankyou so much for your comments, it is so amazing to receive such wonderful support on here from ladies that I haven't met in person albeit I met you for all of about 5 minutes last year!! I do agree that those who seem to have it all, more than likely don't...but I guess when you're feeling down you can't rationalise such things lol! Thankyou again and big hugs xx

MommaLeila said...

Dear Lexy
Oh honey I'm so sorry that you're going through such a rough time, you must try not to feel so bad to the extents that you do. Please read all the comments on here and take them as your own. And I myself will say the same to you, you are a FAB mom and all of this will go away (at some point!!)and one day our kids will have kids and we'll be wondering where the hell the time went and why did we worry so much about things. Big hugs to you, sorry I made you cry :o(( xxxx

MommaLeila said...

Little M thankyou honey, I do sing, well, try to anyway. My main strength is the piano but can't afford one and don't have room for one otherwise I'd love to play for them and teach them as it is so soothing!!! Merry Christmas to you too xxxx

MommaLeila said...

Shh Shh

I love you.


Shh-Shh said...

Aww hun... Blubbing here!!
That one line says it all ..
Sisters is what we are .. And will always be!

I love you my friend, my sister xxxxx